Press Release
Gingko College’s Science Park Awarded as the National Maker Space
OnJune 30, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued the Notice on Publishingthe 2021 National Record Maker Space ([2022] No. 184), and the Science Parkof Gingko College was approved as a national maker space. A total of 9 makerspaces in Sichuan Province have been approved, including 2 higher educationinstitutions. Gingko College is the only private undergraduate college withthis honor.
GingkoCollege’s Science Park was established in 2015. In recent years, the collegehas put much efforts in developing the makerspace, growing it from a municipaland provincial maker space to today's national maker space. Therefore, GingkoCollege has become the second private undergraduate college awarded this honorin Sichuan Province.
Theincubation project of the college’s makerspace features with the integration ofteaching and practices in tourism and hotel industry, closely relates to college’sdegree programs, providing an effective platform for the application ofteaching achievements, preparing college students ready for the hotel andtourism industries, as well as contributing to developing new social serviceindustries.