Investor Relations

Investor Relations

China Gingko Education Group Company Limited (“the Company”) was incorporated in the Cayman Islands as an exempted company on March 23,2018. We are a higher education service provider in Sichuan Province.

Corporate information

Registered office
Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681, Grand Cayman, KY1-1111, Cayman Islands
Principal place of business and headquarters in China
2 JinliZhonglu, Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, PRC
Principal place of business in Hong Kong
31/F. 148 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Contact no.: +852 3619 0956
Company secretary
Mr. Lau Kai Tung Justin
Authorized Representatives
Mr. Lau Kai Tung Justin
Audit Committee
Mr. Wong Chi Keung (Chairman)
Mr. Jiang Qian
Mr. Yuan Jun
Remuneration Committee
Mr. Jiang Qian (Chairman)
Mr. Yuan Jun
Mr. Yu Yuan
Nomination Committee
Mr. Fang Gongyu (Chairman)
Mr. Jiang Qian
Mr. Yu Yuan
Hong Kong Share Registar
Boardroom Corporate Services (Hong Kong)
Principal Bankers
Postal Savings Bank of China Pi County Xipu Branch
China Construction Bank Pi County Gaoxin Branch
China CITIC Bank Chengdu West Branch
Company’s Website